Once you are able to recognize the subject of the active sentence, you should be able to make a passive sentence active, so that the object becomes the subject of the active sentence. (active, 1 st person) In other words, it s important to ask yourself, who kicked whom?. (passive, 3 rd person) I cleaned the house, I fed the fish, and then I broke the expensive vase. The house was cleaned, the fish were fed, and then the expensive vase was broken. Sometimes, you may be tempted to use the passive voice to avoid a first person point of view.

Instead of having something happen to the subject, you make the subject do something. Switching from passive to active voice is really very simple. The passive voice has its specific uses in writing, but most of your writing will not need the passive voice because the active voice makes your writing stronger and livelier. Although there are occasions when the passive voice is appropriate, it can sound dull and wordy.

In a passive sentence, the subject does nothing it is acted upon. In an active sentence, the subject is doing something. PASSIVE VOICE Active and passive voices refer to the relationship between the subject and the verb.